I8000 registry and device handling
The program below allow to esily set some of the system functions and can check
the GSM, the FM Radio and the GPS status and functionality.There is a PDA Fan Club
forum about it(unfortunately in Hungarian language)
You can download the program for free: Smart.cab 2.3.1 version:
Version 2.3 has a bug resulting exception when the scrollbar size were too small - corrected.
Version 2.2 has a bug resulting to kill the BT input voice. That was because of the erroneous writing of the Audiogain.dat file - instead the BVL value the program always written the OVL.... Sorry
Program usage:
Registry panel. Here you can find many system settings which are changable through the Registry.
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At the top there is the device type/ID from the registry ( mine is
GT-I8000KKAXSO ) , the meanings of the letters: KK unknown, A..E maybe
the series, last 3 letter is the provider/origin XSO: Singapore, TMH:
T-mobile Hungary, PAN: Pantel Hungary, etc. A Switch off Backlight: Disable the automatic backlight
switching on when tap. This feature is useful to read e-books in a dark
room, because the minimal backlight is very bright in dark environment
( HKCU/ControlPanel/Backlight/BacklightOnTap and
ACBacklightOnTap) Use Touchwiz UI: If set, enabling the Samsung Touchwiz user interface. ( HKCU/ControlPanel/LargeDisplay/UseLargeDisplay ) Threaded SMS: Enabling the Samsung threaded SMS view ( HKLM/Software/Samsung/JINBOX/ThreadedViewDisabled ) Original Settings: If set, the Startmenu will be the Samsung one, otherwise the original WM. ( HKCU/ControlPanel/LargeDisplay/UseLargeDisplay ) Samsung Dialer: Enabling the Samsung or use the original one( HKLM/Security/Phone/Skin/Enabled ) Front Camera: If set, the CIF camera can be choose from the Shooting modes (Self) ( HKCU/Software/Samsung/Camera/SupportFrontCamera ) GLYPH Cache size: The size of the font rendering cache ( HKLM/System/GDI/GLYPHCACHE/limit0 ) GWES Poweroff: Enabling the gwes.exe power management functions ( HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Power/DisableGwesPowerOff Defrag Memory: Defrag memory always when program closed ( HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Shell/NeverDorkMemory Disable Today: When active, the Today scree will be NOT loaded at start ( in the case you have alternative, for ex. MS ) ( HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Today/Enabled ) Original Settings: If set, the Startmenu will be the Samsung one, otherwise the original WM. ( HKLM/Security/Shell/StartInfo/HideSettings ) Show Orientation: Enabling the screen rotation in the menus ( HKLM/System/GDI/Rotation/HideOrientationUI ) Security warning: Enabling or disabling the security warning popup messages Scrollbars size H/V: The horizontal and vertical scrollbar sizes, apply just after soft reset! Touch response: The minimum touch time, high=unresposible 0=very responsive display GPRS Ddisconnect time: the time until a nonused GPRS data connection remain active The box below contains all the GPRS data connection ( WAP,MMS,NET ). Selecting one shows the status enabled/disabled. Touch the disabled checkbox revert the state and will be automatically enabling/disabling the future data connection over this entry. This can be used as the nodata program!! |
Audio panel. All the Omnia2 audio settings you can change here.The gains and attenuations all are coming from a common text file, naming \Windows\Audiogain.dat - this file contains the settings of all of the 17 possible audio device. You can edit it with any text editor, but the changes will be applied after a soft reset. The settings below you made will be permanent over sooft resets and aply when you touch the green button. The changable parameters are quite the same as in the Audiogan.exe, but that program is quite unusable due of the user interface ( binary numbers, etc). The minimum/maximum settings of the trackbars constrained to avoid the sound malfunctions, but please set these values carefully!
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GSM panel: Basic information regarding your GSM network. These are the known values for the WM (through RIL.DLL) about the GSM chip state
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The top bar is the signal level indicator. All value refresh within a second. CountryCode is the Country Code Network Proider telephone number first tag CellID The individual number for the cell tower connected Base Station Identifier within the cell Broadcast Broadcast Channel number RxLevel Signal level RxQuality Signal quality Keep Light on If set, the screen remains alway on The Base Station, Brodcast Channel and RxQuality values the Samsung interface programj seems to not transfer to the system.... |
FM radio: Basic FM radio application. It uses the Samsung SDK version 2, without it you will see an error message
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The top progressbar is the signal level indicator, refreshing each seconds.Below the frequency in MHz, the regional setting (default:Europe), the trackbar set the frequency within the range. The SCAN button scans the band for all the stations and put the stations frequencies to the buttons. The NEXT button scans for the next station up. The Name,ID,tip and alt textboxes contains the RDS informations - the Station name, type of the station and the alternative frequencies possibility. The vertical trackbar set the volume... Keep Light on : the screen is always active Keep Radio on checkbox : if set and change to other panel, the radio remains active, otherwise shutting down. Start FMRadio Start the Original Samsung application The radio working well without an eaphone, but the signal level in this case very low. Fortunatelly the 3.5 jack outest parts is the antenna connector, so there is a possibility to use just this connecting antenna. The type of the radio chip is Silicon Labs Si7409 |
GPS : these informations also coming through the ril.dll so these values are known by the WM
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The window refreshing every 10 seconds. The Start GPS Receiver button activate the GPS receiver chip ( the button color will be green and the text changed to Stop GPS Receiver to stop it). Below the Status: or the No Signal or the Locked text appearing, indicating that the receiver knows the satellite infos or not. After the number of the visible satellites according the actual almanach. A Samsung GPS Card... type of the GPS receiver, the Service: and Device: the corresponding state, quite always On. The Lat.: and Long.: shows the actual position in grade/minute/second form; the Heigt shows the elevation in meter; the Speed is the actul speed in km/h. The Prec.: precision in meters, after the colon the distinct values for the horizontal/vertical precision. The 12 possible satellite info: the first number is the satellite ID, followed the signal strength indicator in dB and as progressbar. The satellite ID's from which the actial positon data counted has a green ID. Keep Light on : the screen always active. |
Close panel:
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CLOSE stop the program - if not directed otherwise, the FMRadio and GPS receiver will be switch off also. MINIMIZE put the program to the background, leave it running. In the case the "Keep Radio on" or "Keep GPS on" selected, the corresponding devices will be working also! SOFT RESET is the same as power on/off except the shutdown animations, etc.. so quicker LOCK: Put the device to Locked state. POWER DOWN: Same as the power off button on the device HARD REST: Do a hard reset, same as the 4key or the special dial number method. Unfortunatelly I cannot tested it yet, any feedback appreciated! LCD Test: Start the LCD test program , same as *#0*# from the keyboard GPS test: Start the builtin GPS test program (NoGarderGPS) AudioGain: Start the audo parameter setting program (audiogain.exe), same as *#0002*28346#) Service Menu : Device Info, Soft reset, Factory reset, Hard Reset, Network lock possibilities Battery Monitor: Show the state and level of the accumulator Conn. Settings: Setting for the Internet, WAP,MMS DebugDump: Put all the debug information to the file /windows/tmp/Dbugdump.txt. Delete the possible previous dump file and open the txt file with Pocket Word |
inspired by: | PDA Fan Club and Modaco |
Questions, suggestions to: Pálóczi-Horváth János< phj@phj.hu>