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Apple IIc Joystick


Pin Name Description
1 GAMESW1 Switch input 1 (sometimes called paddle button 1).
2 +5V +5 VDC (max 100mA)
3 GND System ground.
4 n/a Not used
5 PDL0 Paddle 0 hand controller input. Must be connected to a 150K ohm variable resistor connected to +5V.
6 n/c Not connected
7 GAMESW0 Switch input 0 (sometimes called paddle button 0).
8 PDL1 Paddle 1 hand controller input; must be connected to a 150K ohm variable resistor connected to +5V.
9 n/a Not used

Contributor: Joakim �gren

Apple Tech Info Library 1419: Apple IIc, External Pinouts at Apple TIL homepage

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May be copied and redistributed, partially or in whole, as appropriate.
Document last modified: 2000-07-09