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4 PIN IEEE1394 FEMALE (at the Devices)
6 PIN IEEE1394 FEMALE (at the Devices)

4 PIN IEEE1394 FEMALE at the Devices.
6 PIN IEEE1394 FEMALE at the Devices.

Full name IEEE 1394-1995
Also known as FireWire (Apple), iLink (Sony) or Lynx

Pin Name Description
1 Power Unregulated DC; 30 V no load
2 Ground Ground return for power and inner cable shield
3 TPB- Twisted-pair B, differential signals
4 TPB+ Twisted-pair B, differential signals
5 TPA- Twisted-pair A, differential signals
6 TPA+ Twisted-pair A, differential signals
Shell Outer cable shield

Contributor: Joakim �gren


Copyright © The Hardware Book Team 1996-2001.
May be copied and redistributed, partially or in whole, as appropriate.
Document last modified: 2001-06-07