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C64 to RS232 Interface

Userport C64                                           C64 RS232
                       |         |
    PA2 M-----------11-|         |-14------------------- TXD (2)
    PB1 D-----------10-|         |--7------------------- RTS (4)
    PB6 K-----------12-| MAX 232 |-13------------------- CTS (5)
  FLAG2 B---X--------9-|         |--8------------------- RXD (3)
    PB0 C---|          |         |--3--|+-|
    VCC 2-----------16-|         |--1-----|              DB25-connector
    GND N------X----15-|         |
               X--|+-2-|         |--5--|+-|
               |---------------------------------------- GND (7)

 -|+- capacitor 22uF/16V
 -  +

Contributor: Joakim �gren

Usenet posting in comp.sys.cbm, C64 -> Serial -> IBM ? by Andreas Boose

Copyright © The Hardware Book Team 1996-2001.
May be copied and redistributed, partially or in whole, as appropriate.
Document last modified: 2001-06-08